Many in our communities are being impacted by the wildfires in Western Canada. HUB is here to help. Visit our Wildfire Resource Centre.

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6 Car Technologies that Make Driving Easier and Safer

July 29th, 2014  |  Auto Insurance

There has been a lot written about car technology as of late. With self-driving cars getting closer and clos…

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Exotic trips Vs. All inclusive Trips – Which Option is Best for You?

July 28th, 2014  |  Travel Insurance

Exploring your options and looking at all the beautiful places from around the world you can visit is something that excites all travellers…

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What Has Technology Done to Our Driving?

July 27th, 2014  |  Insurance

Article by: Scott Marshall Vehicles are so different that they were just a handful of years ago. How has their technology affected you? Le…

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6 Environmental Tips for the Cottage

July 27th, 2014  |  Home Insurance

So it’s time to head up to the cottage!

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Considering a Backyard Pool? The Real Impact of Owning a Pool

July 24th, 2014  |  Home Insurance

So you are thinking about putting a pool in the backyard.

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What to Do If Your Car Overheats

July 23rd, 2014  |  Auto Insurance

Road rage drivers are not the only thing that we see overheating on the roads during the summer. As the weat…

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