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Top 5 Money Saving Insurance Tips from HUB Insurance Hunter

June 28th, 2012  |  Auto Insurance

Everyone loves to save money. There is no doubt about that. And, it is no different when it comes to auto insurance. However, the truth is …

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Schools out! Ways to keep your kids occupied this summer

June 27th, 2012  |  Insurance

As the Canada Day long weekend is upon us it signals the end of another school year. Children across the country are looking forward to a f…

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7 Car Tire Care Tips

June 26th, 2012  |  Insurance

Your tires are one of the most important components of your vehicle. Poor tire considerations can lead to a whole series of issues that can…

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Using your Car for Business: Insurance Considerations

June 26th, 2012  |  Auto Insurance

With small businesses and sole proprietorships on the rise, there are an increasing number of people that are now using their personal c…

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6 Tips to Avoid Traffic on Ontario Roadways

June 24th, 2012  |  Insurance

No one wants to spend time in traffic when they don’t have to, or at all for that matter. However, if you live in a busy city like Toron…

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Tell your insurer about changes

June 14th, 2012  |  Auto Insurance

No one lives a life where everything stays the same all the time. Part of life is that things change on a regular basis. And, when thing…

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