Many in our communities are being impacted by the wildfires in Western Canada. HUB is here to help. Visit our Wildfire Resource Centre.

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How to Slash your Car Repair Bill

February 28th, 2013  |  Insurance

Vehicle repair and maintenance is something that is often overlooked by many people. When budgeting for vehicle expenses many tend to fo…

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Information you need to Provide for an Accurate Home Insurance Quote

February 26th, 2013  |  Insurance

Whether you are in the market to purchase your first home, are moving, are looking for a place to rent, or if your home insurance is com…

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5 Tips for dealing with Road Rage Drivers

February 13th, 2013  |  Insurance

Drivers make mistakes. And, in most cases if you make a mistake a simple “sorry wave” will do the trick. However, everyone has been in a…

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3 Designated Driver Apps that will get you Home Safely

February 7th, 2013  |  Insurance

Many people have found themselves in the situation where they have gone out and had a few drinks and can no longer drive. While inconven…

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