Many in our communities are being impacted by the wildfires in Western Canada. HUB is here to help. Visit our Wildfire Resource Centre.

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Reasons to Check Your Insurance Coverage Regularly

January 28th, 2016  |  Auto Insurance

Insurance is one of those financial products that doesn’t always keep up with your needs. The coverage you purchase one day may not be wh…

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3 Things to Know About Home Insurance Coverage for Valuables

January 27th, 2016  |  Home Insurance

So you’re thinking about homeowner’s insurance. First of all, good on you! Home insurance coverage may not be mandatory, but it sure is e…

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Emergency Preparedness Guide: What to Keep in Your Car

January 26th, 2016  |  Auto Insurance

Even the most careful drivers can run into unexpected problems on the road. Being prepared to handle unexpected situations can make all t…

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5 Times to Increase Your Life Insurance Coverage

January 25th, 2016  |  Insurance

Life insurance is a valuable financial tool that protects us, our families, and our assets in case of an unforeseen and tragic event. Cou…

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How to Use the Internet to Get the Lowest Insurance Rates

January 25th, 2016  |  Auto Insurance

One of the most important things you can do to protect your assets is to purchase the right insurance policies. Whether it’s your home or…

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10 Ways to Negotiate Lower Insurance Premiums

January 21st, 2016  |  Insurance

Insurance is one of those financial products that we all need to have regardless of where we live, how much money we make, or what kind o…

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