Many in our communities are being impacted by the wildfires in Western Canada. HUB is here to help. Visit our Wildfire Resource Centre.

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Want to save money on car insurance? Purchase winter tires

October 29th, 2019  |  News

If you drive in winter, there’s a lot riding on your tires. With the wrong rubber on cold, wet, snowy or icy roads, you’re not only risking…

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Why a Vancouver woman’s distracted driving ticket got cancelled

October 19th, 2019  |  News

The son of a 71-year-old woman ticketed for distracted driving in downtown Vancouver says a $368 citation issued to his mother has been can…

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Insurance claims from Dorian reach $100m in Atlantic Canada

October 15th, 2019  |  News

The damage to insured property in Atlantic Canada from post-tropical storm Dorian has been estimated at $105 million by the Insurance Burea…

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A shocking number of drivers say only a crash will stop them driving distracted

October 12th, 2019  |  News

What would it take for you to stop driving distracted? A slap on the wrist, a police fine, a firm telling off by a friend or family member?…

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Conservative leader accused of falsely claiming he was once an insurance broker

October 5th, 2019  |  News

The Liberals called on Saskatchewan’s insurance industry watchdogs to investigate Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer for falsely claiming he…

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