Many in our communities are being impacted by the wildfires in Western Canada. HUB is here to help. Visit our Wildfire Resource Centre.

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Toronto Police is turning the volume down on loud vehicles

July 24th, 2019  |  News

Toronto has always been considered one of Canada’s loudest cities. A new enforcement campaign has been introduced this week to turn the vol…

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Manitoba Premier to cancel tax on home insurance if re-elected

July 16th, 2019  |  News

Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister has announced the removal of provincial sales tax from home and renter's insurance if he is re-elected in …

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New report from IBC says Spring flooding cause $208 million in insured damage

July 11th, 2019  |  News

A new report from IBC says that Spring flooding in April & May caused approximately $208 million in insured damage.

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Insurers are looking to police chiefs for help

July 5th, 2019  |  News

Insurers are seeking help from police chiefs to create a greater collaboration in fighting auto insurance fraud.

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