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Bank of Canada holds steady with their interest rate, while the loonie rises

May 30th, 2018  |  Canadian Business

On Wednesday the Bank of Canada opted to keep their benchmark interest rate at 1.25%. The rate has been holding steading since min-Janua…

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The true cost of owning a car a surprise to Canadians

May 27th, 2018  |  Canadian Business

Over half of Canadians don’t know the true cost of owning a car, according to a new study.

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Can condo boards cancel cannabis?

May 23rd, 2018  |  Canadian Business

It’s a question being asked by condo owners in downtown Toronto, who wonder why their condominium boards are trying to police what goes …

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New downtown plan aims to keep the core of Toronto lit

May 21st, 2018  |  Canadian Business

With the prospect of more high-rise buildings one the, well, rise, many are concerned about the affect they will have on the amount of s…

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Seniors face ‘unaffordable’ $2,000 tax increase on their $4M home

May 16th, 2018  |  Canadian Business

The Kents bought their Vancouver home in 1972 for $40K and are part of a small group of homeowners that are petitioning their province.<…

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Distracted driving on the rise across Canada

May 13th, 2018  |  Canadian Business

Despite efforts by law enforcers to clamp down on distracted driving, it seems Canadian’s are still finding themselves in fender benders…

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