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Toronto renters struggle to find homes because of Airbnb

September 28th, 2016  |  Home

While everyone expected Airbnb to cut into hotel profits, the hotel industry has continued to do just fine, meanwhile it seems short ter…

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Banks tighten income verification for foreign mortgage applicants

September 27th, 2016  |  Home

Buying Canadian real estate just got a little harder for non-residents who want mortgages from Scotiabank and Bank of Montreal (BMO).

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P2P insurer Lemonade wants to make people like insurers

September 26th, 2016  |  News

Insurance is there to help you out in emergency situations. Unfortunately, many people find dealing with their insurer an adversarial ex…

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New Tesla climate control feature could save lives

September 23rd, 2016  |  Auto

If even one child or pet dies due to being left in an overheated car, it is one too many. While some car companies have tried to find wa…

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The U.S. announces safety standards for autonomous cars

September 22nd, 2016  |  Auto

With autonomous driving poised to make some huge changes in the automotive safety and insurance industry it only makes sense for the gov…

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Chevy Bolt reveals 383 km driving range

September 21st, 2016  |  Auto

The upcoming Chevy Bolt will have an EPA-rated driving range that beats out the base Tesla Model S as well as the target range for the M…

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