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Top 5 New Car Technology Blunders

November 26th, 2014  |  Auto Insurance

New car technology is a boom or bust proposition. Either the new technology introduced by auto makers each year is widely adopted and becomes a standard feature, or it fails to catch on and withers away and becomes obsolete. And then there are other car technologies that just don’t make sense.

Here are 5 new car technology blunders that drivers are having issues with:

  1. Fake exhaust noise:Why would anyone want their car to sound louder? With the exception of muscle car owners that want to hear the roar of their engine, why would the owner of a Toyota Camry want to have fake exhaust noise?
  2. No more manual transmission options:The manual transmission has become almost obsolete. Even though dual transmissions are a great option, if you are going to spend good money on a high performance vehicle, most would prefer a manual transmission. Part of allure of these vehicles is the manual transmission and shifting gears.
  3. Restricted access to technology features:We all know distracted driving is a serious issue. We also know that technology can also be a major distracted for drivers. But, restricting all features when the car is in motion doesn’t make sense for one reason – What if the passenger wants to access these features? Why can’t a passenger have access to the navigating system to enter an address? For now, you will have to pull over to place the car in park to access these features.
  4. Unnecessary display screens:Display screens seem to be all the rage these days. There are screens in the display console, the rear view mirror, in the back of seats, and many other areas of vehicles. While they do serve an important purpose for back up cameras and navigational displays, are the really necessary on side mirrors? Display screens could become more of a hindrance than a help in the future.
  5. Placing important controls on LCD touch screens: There is an increasing trend of vehicles including touch screens and many of these touch screen are including buttons and functionality that was previously placed on the dash. While the dashboard may have a cleaner design, it can make important functionality more of a hassle. It also takes drivers eyes off the road.

Are you a fan of the new car technologies? What car technology do you find to be helpful? What new features can you do without?

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