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No Special Treatment for Uber in Saskatchewan

March 11th, 2016  |  News

It seems like Uber has been running into some major obstacles across Canada these days. The latest comes in Saskatchewan where the government has decided that it won’t pass any special laws to regulate Uber or any other ride-sharing service in the province.

According to Canadian Underwriter that means Uber will be treated the same as a taxi company in the eyes of the law. Most Uber drivers don’t operate with taxi licences or commercial auto insurance. The expense of operating as a legitimate taxi are what most Uber drivers want to avoid and it’s part of the reason the American company has been able to so quickly penetrate the market and offer better prices than the industry.

While operating outside of regulations, Uber has been able to grow at a breakneck pace, but now that governments are actively laying down policy to regulate them, the company has had to stop operations in two major cities and if Saskatchewan actually enforces the taxi bylaws the company will likely find itself in hot water there too.

Uber is a popular service thanks to how easy it is to use as well as the lower cost. In any developing city, having convenient transportation options is a must. For that reason it’s important for cities to follow in Edmonton’s footsteps and try to be accommodating, yet firm when laying out regulations.