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School Zone Safety Driving Tips You Need to Put Into Practice Today

June 15th, 2014  |  Insurance

There is no doubt that school zone safety is an important topic. Even with awareness campaigns and efforts by schools, parents, and road safety groups, school zone safety remains an issue in most communities. 

80% of parents have witnessed drivers violating safety procedures in school zones

School Zone Safety Statistics to Consider

Here are some statistics that will help put the seriousness of school zone safety into perspective:

  • Nearly one-third of parents say their children will be in a vehicle accident on their way to/from school
  • Nearly 70% of people have witnessed drivers talking or texting on a phone when driving in a school zone
  • Three quarters of people have witnessed drivers speeding in school zones
  • Almost 20% of people have witnessed drivers running red lights in or near school zones

These numbers prove there is still a lot of work to be done to make school zones safer and a collective effort in required to make it happen.

School Zone Safety Driving Tips

As a driver, it is very important that you make an extra effort to pay attention and drive safe when driving in school zones. You never know when a child could run out into the street, a school bus could make a sudden stop, or when a crossing guard could walk out in to the street to allow children to cross. 

  • When driving in school zones, follow these tips to make the roads safer for all:
  • Slow down and obey the speed limit
  • Put your phone away
  • Reduce all potential distractions and focus on the road at all times
  • Be extra cautious and always be prepared to make a sudden stop
  • Be aware of school buses and other vehicles in pick up/drop off areas
  • Take extra care when approaching stop signs, crosswalks, and traffic lights
  • Expect the unexpected!

Want to Learn More about School Zone Safety?

Here is a collection of other resources to check out to learn more about the importance of school zone safety:

School Zone Safety Tip Sheet

School Zone Safety – End of the School Year Reminder

School Zone Safety – Driving Safe When School Buses are Present

Ontario Survey Reveals More Than Three-Quarters of Parents Polled Witness Drivers Break the Law in School Zones

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