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Keep Your Roof in Mind

April 17th, 2012  |  Home Insurance

Your roof is not necessarily an area of your home that you think about all the time. The truth is that many homeowners only think about their roof when it causes them problems. However, if you want to avoid spending a considerable amount of money on a large roof repair job, homeowners need to handle leaks and other problems before they become a major issue.

If you are one of the unfortunate homeowners that have experienced a leaky roof in the past, then you know how important it is to fix the roof as soon as possible, before things get worse.

Keep the following in mind when it comes to your roof:

  • A leak in your roof can add up to serious problems for your home. It can lead to other serious issues with your home such as infestations of mold and mildew and lead to a damaged foundations.
  • Water damage is a serious issue that even before it is detected it can cause permanent damage to your home and cost a considerable amount of money to fix.
  • Never cheap out and cut corners when it comes to roof maintenance and repair. Patch work will only lead to other issues down the road. However, if you discover the problem early on before it spreads, homeowners can eliminate the problem with low expenses and a minimal time commitment. Therefore, it’s important to get to the problem early and bringing in experts to discover the source of the leak.
  • Get a roof inspection. Inspect your roof every few years to make sure that it is in good condition. If you are not confident that you can do it, have a professional come in and inspect the roof for you.

Signs of a leak in your roof

The majority of issues with roofs start out as a small leak that gets left unattended. While too many people are inclined to overlook small leaks, if they go unattended for too long, they can crate issues that could lead to structural damage or collapse.

Here are some common areas where leaks within your home can be detected:

  • Ceiling tiles
  • Skylights
  • The attic
  • Low areas on the roof
  • Missing shingles on the roof
  • Where air conditioners are installed
  • Vents and drains
  • Where satellites are installed on the roof
  • Where walls meet the roof 

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