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How to file an auto insurance claim fraud complaint

September 20th, 2011  |  Insurance

If you get into an accident, you are going to have to make an auto insurance claim. And, depending on the amount of damage, who is involved in the accident, if charges are laid, and if anyone is injured, the type of claim that is being made will differ.

Unfortunately, each time you make a claim, you need to be conscious of the potential for insurance fraud. Even if you are only in a fender bender, you never know when you could be the victim of a scam. If you suspect anything when it comes to filing an auto insurance claim, you need to take action.

The first thing that you need to do is contact the police. You can also notify the people at the accident reporting centre as well. Once you do this, call your insurance company and file a fraud complaint. This is the only way that you will be able to protect yourself from being a victim of insurance fraud.

It’s okay if you are not sure what to do. The police and your insurance provider will be able to help you and tell you the next steps that need to be taken. You can never be too careful when it comes to auto insurance fraud.

If you have any questions about filing a fraud complaint or if you are in the market for an auto insurance quote, contact HUB Insurance Hunter. We would be more than happy to help you out and answer any questions you have about insurance fraud. 

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