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Home Insurance & Weather Damage

September 6th, 2011  |  Home Insurance

There is no shortage of weather related threats that exist for homeowners. So make sure  you are covered in your home insurance policy for weather related damage or you could have a significantly damaging financial situation on your hands.

The reality is that the type of damage and threats that exist to your home are dependent on where you live and the weather conditions in your area. For example, having coverage for an avalanche is likely not required if you live somewhere where there are no mountains or snow.

Before you sign your home insurance policy, you need to be very aware of the coverage you have for weather damage. And, if you notice that a relevant type of coverage is missing, make sure you add it or you could be exposed and may have to incur the costs yourself.

Keep in mind that some types of weather related insurance need to be purchased separately and are not included in normal home insurance coverage. Some coverage that is often not covered includes things such as damaged caused by flood water and other sewer related issues.

You need to take the initiative and know what you are covered for or you could be unprotected. If you are unclear about what is covered, talk to your insurance provider immediately.

If you are in the market for home insurance, give HUB Insurance Hunter a call. We can help you find the right home insurance policy that will meet all of your needs and protect you from weather related damage.

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