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Don’t Be A Turkey! How To Stay Safe when Deep Frying Thanksgiving Dinner!

October 9th, 2014  |  Insurance

Turkey deep frying continues to become more and more popular. With an increasing number of Canadians now starting to adapt this American tradition, there is a need for increased awareness about how to properly deep fry a turkey. 

We have all heard the stories of deep frying turkey accidents, and we will likely hear more of them as Thanksgiving approaches. Why? Most people don’t realize just how dangerous deep frying a turkey can be.

What can go wrong? A lot!

  • Your deep fryer could explode
  • It can cause house fires
  • You could be burned by the hot oil

According to the National Fire Protection Association, deep fryer fires cause more than $15 million dollars in property damage every year in the US alone. 

Top 10 Turkey Deep Frying Safety Tips

The truth is that most damage and issues from turkey deep frying is avoidable. What you don’t know can hurt you and before deep frying anything, you need to take the necessary safety steps. 

  1. Read instructions and educate yourself about the proper turkey frying techniques
  2. Avoid deep frying on your deck or in the garage
  3. You should try to keep the deep fryer at least 15 feet away from any building
  4. Make sure the turkey is 100% defrosted before placing it in the deep dryer
  5. Make sure your deep fryer is in good working order and is able to handle turkey deep frying
  6. Never heat the oil hotter than 200 Degrees Celsius
  7. Be prepared for anything and never leave the fryer un attended
  8. Keep children and pets away from the fryer when it’s in use
  9. Make sure you have the proper tools and utensil to handle the turkey
  10. Avoid drinking alcohol when operating a turkey fryer – It could impair your judgement

Learn more about how to properly and safely deep fry a turkey from Butterball


Have you every deep fried a turkey? Did you have any issues? What safety tips can you offer to others who are planning on trying it for the first time this Thanksgiving?

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