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Does Occupation Affect Car Insurance?

September 24th, 2011  |  Auto Insurance

People always want to know about the factors that have an impact on their insurance rates. One of the most commonly asked questions is whether or not their rates are impacted by their career choice. The truth is that your occupation does have an impact on your car insurance rates.

While some may think this is not fair, it makes sense when you think about it. There are certain jobs or occupations that logically have a higher risk of getting into an accident because they tend to be on the road more often than other drivers. Small business owners, sales people and people that drive for a living tend to have higher rates. They are on the road much more often than then people that work in an office setting, retail, or other jobs that do not involve a vehicle.

If you work in a job that you think could be associated with higher car insurance rates, then it is very important that you stay on top of things and get an insurance quote each time your policy comes up for renewal. Things can change quickly in the car insurance industry and getting a quote from a broker, like HUB Insurance Hunter; can save you money on your policy.

All you have to do is get your information together, visit our website, using the quoting tool and you will get 3 quotes in three minutes. Let us do the hunting for you so you can save money on your car insurance rates. 

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