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Do you Know your Rights for Flight Delays and Cancellation? You Should!

October 14th, 2014  |  Travel Insurance

Delayed flight and cancellations are unfortunately part of air travel. And, there is not much you can do about it as an air traveller. Flight delays and cancellations can happen for any number of reasons. From poor weather, scheduling issues, mechanical problems, security precautions, and more, these issues are bound to pop up on occasion. As a traveller, you can only hope that they don’t happen on your flight.

You Have Rights As An Air Traveller

If a delay or cancellation does occur, you need to know your rights and what you are entitled to as a passenger. This is why being an educated traveller is essential. The unfortunate thing is that the majority of traveller are unaware of their rights – this includes things they are entitled to and financial compensation if they experience delays and cancellations. Considering how common these occurrences are, you need to your rights so you are not taken advantage of. 

Read: How To Handle Flight Delays

Rules Vary Based on Where You are Flying 

You have rights, regardless of where you are flying from. However, these rights, travel options, and compensation will vary based on your airline and where you are flying from. For example, your rights and options will be different if you were flying from the US compared to if you are flight from somewhere in Europe. Remember, it’s up to you to enforce your rights and know what you are entitled to when a delay or cancellation occurs. 

What you Need to Know About Your Rights

Here is what you need to know about your rights when travelling:

  • When you experience a flight delay or cancellation, you have the right to be looked after by your airline
  • If your flight is cancelled, the airline has the responsibility to help you get to your destination, or  offer you a full refund for your flight
  • The airline has the responsibility to provide you with food, drinks, and communicate with you about the flight details if you have an extended delay
  • If an airline bumps you involuntarily or if a flight is oversold, they owe you some form of compensation 
  • Airlines are not permitted to keep you on the tarmac for more than 3 hours for domestic flights – with the exception of a safety or security issue

Talk with Your Travel Insurance Provider About your Options 

Flight delays and cancellations are a few of the many reasons why travel insurance is a must when travelling, even if you are taking a short domestic flight. You never know when your trip could be interrupted and travel insurance can ensure you are covered. 

If you experience a delay or cancellation and require assistance, contact your travel insurance provider to discuss your options. 


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