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5 Non-toxic Ways to Protect Your Home from Creepy Crawlers

January 15th, 2015  |  Home Insurance

There are a lot of things that pose a risk to your home, but one that gets under our skin and makes our skin crawl just at the thought of it is pests.

No one wants to have pests in their home, and one of the first things we do is reach for the pest killer when we see an unwanted guest.

However, reaching for toxic pest killers can have a number of negative effects on your yard, and they could even cause harm to your children or pets.

Think twice before you reach for toxic pest killer products. There are environmentally friendly and non-toxic solutions that work just as well.

What are the major pests we need to be on the lookout for?

  • Mice
  • Bedbugs
  • Asian lady beetles and ladybugs
  • Centipedes

Other pests to be on the lookout for (depending on where you live) are ants, cockroaches, flies, moths and termites.

5 non-toxic ways to protect your home from pests

  1. Know the threats in your area: Every region has a different set of pests that are prominent in the area. Read up about the pest threats in your area and take preventative action accordingly.
  2. Focus on prevention: The best way to eliminate the threat of pests is to be proactive and make sure you don’t provide pests with an environment to thrive in.
  3. Eliminate moisture issues: Water leaks and moisture are attractive to a wide range of insects. Make sure you keep your bathroom well ventilated, and use a dehumidifier in the basement to remove dampness.
  4. Keep tidy: Don’t give pests incentive to get into your home. Keep your home tidy, don’t leave food out, and make sure food is properly sealed.
  5. Inspect your home each season: Cracks, holes and openings around the house are all opportunities for pests to get in. Inspect your home regularly and address all potential entry points for pests.

What to do if you find the signs of pests

If you suspect you have an issue with any of the above pests, your best move is to contact a pest control professional in your area. Address pest issues immediately. Every day you leave the issue is an opportunity for the pests do more damage, spread and cost you more money.

Have you ever had issues with any of these pests? Which one creeps you out the most? Tell us about the preventative steps you take to ensure your home is pest free!

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